About our services

The Histology and Imaging Core provides investigators, both faculty and students, with access to specialized instrumentation and training related to tissue processing, sectioning, staining, immunohistochemistry, and microscopy.

To request services please fill out a request form (PDF) and email to Peter Caradonna at pcaradonna@dftractor.com.


Instrumentation includes tissue embedding equipment, microtomes, vibratomes, cryostats, and slide-staining workstations.

  • Leica RM2265 fully automated rotary microtome
  • Leica Autostainer XL automated stainer
  • Sakura TEC 5 embedding center
  • Sakura VIP E150 automated tissue processor
  • Leica VT1000S vibrating microtome
  • Leica CM1950 and CM1900 cryostats
  • Biocare Medical Decloaking chamber for heat-induced epitope retrieval
  • Electrophoretic tissue clearing system for CLARITY technique

Technical Services

Technical services include embedding and sectioning of routine tissues and undecalcified bone, special stains, immunohistochemistry, image acquisition and analysis, and antibody optimization and validation.

A close-up of hands preparing a row of slides
A student works on a lab machine
A close-up of hands in blue latex gloves using lab equipment