
是什么让我们成为人类? How does the human experience differ across societies and eras? How does culture affect our social relationships, economies, health, education, and governance? If these questions pique your interest, UNE’s minor in Anthropology may be the perfect fit for you. 跨学科辅修, 人类学课程整合了文化, 考古, 生物, 以及语言学的观点, exploring the nuances of particular communities and examining them within broader social and historical contexts. By viewing the world outside of your own cultural lens; thinking critically, 整体, and analytically; and communicating effectively, you will enhance your employability in a wide variety of fields where there is increasing demand for professionals with in-depth knowledge of human interactions and cross-cultural competencies.


UNE’s Anthropology minor may appeal to you as something totally different and separate from your major course of study, bringing variety to your class schedule while preparing you with a new skill set to aid you in your dream career or graduate school. Or, you may view the minor as the perfect extension to your major, positioning you as an expert in a unique and valuable academic nexus where the two disciplines intersect. 无论哪种方式, you’ll benefit from close contact with our dedicated faculty and the program’s close-knit group of students, and you’ll reap the rewards of our hands-on approach that encourages you to apply your skills in archeological and ethnographic field research.

The Anthropology minor is easily one of the best experiences I have had at UNE. Not only are the classes incredibly interesting and fun to attend, but they teach students how to apply a multidisciplinary approach and about diversity in cultures across the world.” — Sarah Watson ’23, Psychology major/业务 Administration and Anthropology double minor




实践学习是正规澳门赌场网络教育的核心, and the Anthropology minor couldn’t be riper with opportunities to perform real-world anthropology work — whether it be in the classroom, 通过研究, 或者在实习时.


Our anthropology classes take you way beyond the textbook to a variety of activities that put you in the shoes of anthropologists. So roll up your sleeves; in some cases, you may get your hands dirty! The following are just some of the course assignments you may encounter:

  • 对校园活动进行人种学观察
  • 研究、制作和使用旧石器时代的手斧
  • 参与考古发掘工作


作为这么多不同专业的完美补充, the Anthropology minor allows you to combine your two passions to produce research projects that are uniquely yours. Recent research by our Anthropology minors has included the following:

  • 人口贩运和渔业
  • Bra Purchasing Influences in Bra Wearers from the Northeastern U.S.
  • Motivations Among Student Participants in Dungeons and Dragons
  • 星巴克的内在关系文化


在职经验增加你的职业前景. 实习 are a great way to gain real-world skills in a professional setting that utilizes knowledge of your major and your Anthropology minor. The following are just some of the settings where our minors have interned: 

  • 人类家园
  • 比德福德的心脏
  • 培养社区
  • 世界卫生伙伴
  • 普雷布尔街资源中心
  • 人人为善:国际人道主义
  • 海豚角考古联盟



Our vibrant and engaged faculty boast specialty areas including applied anthropology; archaeology; gender, 女性, and sexuality; medical anthropology; and society, 法律, 和政策. 我们的课程种类繁多,包括: 

  • 人类社会的起源 
  • 医学人类学 
  • 新英格兰史前史的考古实地方法 
  • 人口贩卖 
  • 瘟疫与人口 


To complete the 辅修人类学 students must complete six (6) three (3) credit courses in Anthropology. 作为人类学辅修课程的一部分, ANT 101 -人类学导论 is required of all minors. 另外,有一门课程必须达到300分水平 or 以上. 学生 may include one (1) elective from a related field if approved by the school. 学生 may count courses taken in the Core 课程 as part of the minor.

ANT 101 -人类学导论3
ant102 -文化人类学3
ANT/BIO 103 -生物人类导论3
ARC 190 -通过考古的文化3
Select Four (4) Electives Below (at least one (1) elective at the 300-level or 上图)学分
ant102 -文化人类学3
ANT 103 -生物人类学入门3
ANT 118 -应用人类学3
ANT 211 -医学人类学3
ANT 224 -法医人类/人权3
ANT 228 -性别人类学3
ANT 230 – Anthropology in Latin American and the Caribbean3
ANT 231 – Culture and Society in the Middle East (Morocco)3
ANT 241 -瘟疫和人口3
ant312 -人口贩卖3
ANT 332 -魔法人类学3
arc190 -通过考古体验文化3
ARC 193 -人类社会的起源3
ARC 205 – 新英格兰史前史的考古实地方法3
ARC 235 -新英格兰考古学3
生物328 -人类进化3–4
ENV 200 – Society, Population, and Environment: A 全球 Perspective3
ENV 341 – Indigenous Ecology, Conservation Biology, and the Politics of Know3
HIS 210 -拉丁美洲的种族和民族3
SOC 210 -流离失所的文化和社会3
SOC 265 -社会问题问题全球世界3
SOC 290 -英国文化研究3
SOC 331 – Latin American Society and Culture Through Cinema3
SOC 370 -应用领域的方法3

要了解有关未成年人的更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.



从国际发展到市场营销, 工程, 和政府, there are many different fields that are increasingly relying on professionals with a background in human interaction and multicultural fluency. 此外, the expertise that an anthropology student develops in critical thinking, 分析, and written and oral communication comprises exactly the kind of skills that a wide range of employers seek 在求职者中.

Your Anthropology minor from UNE will enhance your career prospects in many diverse fields, 包括:

  • 医疗/健康
  • 文化资源管理
  • 人力资源管理
  • 国际发展
  • 社会工作
  • 市场研究
  • 教育
  • 非营利部门
  • 博物馆教育
  • 新闻
  • 公共政策
  • 政府

公平和包容熟练程度的排名 最重要的职业能力 雇主认可 在求职者中

National Association of 大学 and Employers, Job Outlook, 2017 and 2022



联系本科招生处,电话:(800)477-4863或 电子邮件admissions@dftractor.com. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.