
UNE Security

从校园出发:Ext. 366


An off-campus resource, available 24 hours/day: 1 (888) 568-1112

如果你是波特兰或比德福德校区附属的学生,目前正在经历心理健康危机, you can reach UNE’s on-call counselor by calling (207) 602-2549 and then pressing 6.


UNE Counseling Services professional staff seek to maintain continuity of care for students.


如果你需要联系当地的精神病医生,或者你正在寻找精神病药物的评估, our staff can facilitate and support you in connecting to the 正规澳门赌场网络学生健康中心 or community-based providers to meet your individual psychiatric service needs.


有时你可能需要专门的服务. 例子包括对多动症或学习差异的评估,或帮助住房的社区资源, food, 或者其他帮助. We will work with you to connect with appropriate resources.


如果你即将毕业, 目前居住在州外, 在线学生, 或者你可以从当地的医疗保险提供商网站和以下网站开始个人咨询,这些网站可以帮助你联系到你所在地区的治疗师.



  • Headspace:公众免费试用两周.
    • Student Discount for Headspace App (A mindfulness/meditation app)
      • 登录U-Online, 点击学生记录, 然后是注册验证, 然后“提交”到国家学生信息中心, then “view exclusive offers for college students” to reach Academic Perks, Headspace是其中之一吗
  • Calm:七天免费试用. A meditation, sleep, and relaxation app that also provides resources specifically for coping with COVID-19 anxiety.
  • 停下来,呼吸,思考总是免费的,对孩子也一样.
  • Insight Timer: Always free. 这不是一个日常应用程序, 而是一个伟大的图书馆,在那里你可以搜索各种类型的冥想和长度的优秀教师.
  • 10% Happier:免费和付费选项. Health care providers can use redemption code HEALTHCARE to unlock all content.
  • UCLA Mindful应用程序:免费,有戴安娜·温斯顿的冥想.
  • 正念的教练:正念教练2.0是为了帮助退伍军人、服役人员和其他人学习如何练习正念而开发的. 该应用程序提供了一个渐进的, 自我指导的训练计划,旨在帮助你理解和采用一个简单的正念练习.
  • Happify: Some free content, including stress reduction and cognitive techniques to address anxiety




  • 缅因州的LGBTQ资源
  • Therapy referrals and informational and supportive resources
  • 同性恋者的父母、家庭和朋友
    • 同性恋者的父母、家庭和朋友 (PFLAG) is an organization dedicated to ensuring that all people are valued and respected. 会员资格对LGBTQ+个人开放, 他们的家人, 以及倡导平等权利的盟友. 同性恋亲友会在美国各地都有活跃的分会, 让它成为你社区的一个很好的支持来源. 
  • 美国公民自由联盟
    • The 美国公民自由联盟(ACLU) 致力于确保所有年龄段的LGBTQ+, races, and ethnic backgrounds can live their lives free of discrimination and harassment. 美国公民自由联盟的律师对雇主提起诉讼, 政府组织, and 卫生保健设施 to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have equal access to employment, health care, 公共服务.
  • 全国LGBTQ特别工作组
    • The 全国LGBTQ特别工作组 是一个致力于确保LGBTQ+个人平等获得自由和正义的倡导组织吗. 活动人士致力于结束歧视,消除LGBTQ+社区在医疗保健方面的障碍, employment, housing, retirement, 以及生活的其他方面.
    • 成立于1985年, GLAAD 倡导接受所有LGBTQ+个体,与媒体组织合作,确保电视节目, news coverage, and advertising promote acceptance and discourage discrimination. GLAAD还组织了全国性的游行和其他活动,以提高人们对LGBTQ+社区重要问题的认识.
  • 双性恋资源中心
    • 双性恋资源中心(BRC) 是一个致力于提高双性恋意识和倡导双性恋曝光率的非营利组织吗. 因为双性恋者受到异性恋者和其他LGBTQ+群体成员的歧视, BRC aims to provide support and work toward a world where everyone is celebrated.
  • 特雷弗计划
    • 特雷弗计划 为25岁以下的LGBTQ+人群提供了各种生命肯定项目,以防止他们自杀. 经过培训的咨询师可通过电话咨询, text message, and instant message to provide crisis intervention when needed. 特雷弗计划 also offers training for teachers and other allies.
  • 同性恋和异性恋教育网络
    • The 同性恋和异性恋教育网络(GLSEN) aims to eliminate discrimination in schools and other educational environments. 该组织每年进行一次调查,以确定LGBTQ+青年在美国公立和私立学校就读的情况. GLSEN还在当地设有分会,致力于为LGBTQ+儿童和青少年营造安全的学校环境.
  • LGBTQ+精神病医师协会
    • LGBTQ+精神病医师协会(AGLP)  成员是精神科医生,致力于开展研究,以确定向LGBTQ+社区成员提供精神卫生保健的最佳做法. 会员们还与美国心理协会合作,影响政策,确保LGBTQ+个人的生活尽可能不受歧视.
  • Forge
    • Forge dedicates its resources to building resilience in the transgender community. The organization offers training and resources to help family, friends, and professionals support transgender individuals in a respectful way. Forge也有一些资源可以帮助变性人建立健康的人际关系, 与社区成员进行积极的互动, 以及变性人的医疗保健.
  • 国家跨性别平等中心
    • The 国家跨性别平等中心  努力提高对变性人的接受程度,并影响政策,使变性人社区的成员能够工作, attend school, and participate in community activities without fear of discrimination. The organization emphasizes equal opportunity and access to health care, safety, 正义是其使命的一部分.
  • 它变得更好的项目
    • 联合国的使命 它变得更好的项目 is to empower LGBTQ+ youth and remind them that they’re not alone. 最初的社交媒体活动现在是一个全球平台,将LGBTQ+青年聚集在一起,促进人们接受每一种性取向和性别认同.
  • 跨性别法律中心
    • The 跨性别法律中心 采用以社区为中心的策略,确保跨性别者无论住在哪里都能茁壮成长. Members advocate for equal treatment of transgender individuals in prisons, schools, 卫生保健设施, 和工作场所, helping to prevent discrimination and give members of the transgender community more freedom.
  • 国家女同性恋权利中心
    • 随着对种族和经济公正的承诺 全国女同性恋权利中心 促进LGBTQ+个人的平等权利. 成员们致力于影响公共政策,并就LGBTQ+社区成员面临的一些关键问题向公众进行教育. When necessary, the NCLR files lawsuits to remedy situations involving discrimination.




  • Mano en Mano
    • Mano en Mano provides immigrants and farmworkers with the support they need, 确保公平获得医疗服务, 政府援助, employment, housing, 以及其他服务.
  • Presente! Maine
    • Presente! 赋予拉丁裔社区权力, who are majority seafood processing and agricultural workers, through survival services to combat racism and poverty; transformation education to develop leadership in community members to lead our organization and our movement; and community organizing to transform systems and power structures that impact our community. 
  • 拉丁/拉丁裔/拉丁裔/西班牙裔治疗师目录





The shelters listed on the MaineHousing website provide emergency shelter. MaineHousing通过提供资金帮助运营费用和资本改善来支持许多这样的庇护所. For information on other shelters or resources in your area, dial 2-1-1. 



By County


  • Wabanaki妇女联盟: (207) 763-3478
  • Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Center: (207) 551-3639
  • Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Center: (207) 532-6401
  • Indian Township Passamaquoddy Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocacy Center: (207) 214-1917
  • Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Peaceful Relations: 1 (877) 853-2613
  • Penobscot印第安民族家庭 & 性暴力倡导中心:(207)631-4886




你可以通过电子邮件或打电话给你的学生咨询中心与辅导员安排一个会议. Sessions are typically 50 minutes long and are scheduled by appointment. We are also available to respond to emergencies and crises.


去比德福德的诊所预约 电子邮件bcstudentcounseling@dftractor.com 或致电(207)602-2549.


在我们波特兰的诊所安排预约 电子邮件pcstudentcounseling@dftractor.com 或致电(207)602-2549.