Headshot of Sarah Gorman

萨拉·戈汉姆,M.F.A., M.A.T.

Assistant Academic Director, School of Arts and Humanities

Teaching Professor of Arts


Arts Building, Room 203

Teaching Professor 莎拉Gorham studied painting, 意大利, 摄影, and art history in Florence, Italy following her BA in Fine Arts at Wittenberg University. Her experiences in Italy led to graduate study to attain certification for K-9 Art 教育 at 塔夫斯大学, 梅德福, MA, where she received her Masters of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.1991年获学士学位. After a decade teaching arts at the elementary and middle school level, she returned again to graduate school to obtain a Masters of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree from 缅因艺术学院, Portland, ME in 2001.  Gorham has received awards for her landscape paintings, has participated in group and solo exhibitions in the New England area. In addition to her scholarly program Gorham has worked on an interdisciplinary research program connecting art-making and anxiety relief and has co-authored two scholarly peer reviewed journal articles from this research.  Beyond the classroom and her art studio, and research program Gorham pursues personal interests that include raising two children, 徒步旅行, 皮划艇, 和瑜伽. 

Scholarship Interests

绘画: Gorham explores themes in her acrylic paintings which not only create a likeness of nature, but also draw connections between interpretation and self awareness. She paints landscapes and water-scapes that are both serene and melancholy that seek to illustrate and extreme moment of stillness. She is intrigued by the dynamic quality of water and the difficulty of capturing this in paint. She is drawn to the water's edge and seeks scenes that depict nature at its most peaceful; water resting still after a storm has passed; a pond stagnant and passive in the early morning light; a puddle filling a dirt roadside; reeds reflecting in a still lake. Gorham investigates the connections between human emotions and lived experience. Her paintings focus on the dichotomy between surface and depth.  She likens her images to works in history that were created simply about color and form such as the work by Piet Mondrian and Mark Rothko. Their work was devoid of content in the traditional sense. Devoid of references that would remind you explicitly of world troubles, but alternately draws you away from them towards color, 形状, 和应用程序.  Gorham's work aims to calm and bring peace to the viewer.





Selected publications

Sandmire D. A.戈勒姆,南卡罗来纳州. R. Rankin, N. E.格林,D. R. (2012) The Influence of 艺术使 on 焦虑, Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29(2):68-73, 2012.


Sandmire D. A.纽约州兰金市. E.戈勒姆,南卡罗来纳州. R.埃格尔斯顿,D. T.,法语,C. A.洛奇,E. E.,昆斯,G. C., & 格林,维. R. (2015). Psychological and autonomic effects of art making in college-aged students. 焦虑、压力 & Coping: An International Journal, doi:10.1080/10615806.2015

