Jeffrey Parmelee

Jeffrey Parmelee, Ph.D.



Decary 347

I currently teach mostly Anatomy & Physiology, but am an evolutionary biologist/ecologist by training.  I am primarily interested in reptiles 和 amphibians, but have broad interests in all vertebrates 和 natural history as a whole from fungi to plants to insects.  I am currently the faculty advisor for two student clubs at UNE: the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club 和 the UNE FunGi’s.



Ph.D., Systematics 和 生态
University of Kansas
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University


  • 动物行为
  • 生物学
  • 保护生物学
  • 生态
  • Evolution of human disease
  • 进化生物学
  • 爬虫学
  • 自然历史
  • 湿地生态
  • 湿地


Selected publications

LeClair G.查特菲尔德,M. W. H.伍德,Z., Parmelee J., & 弗雷德里克,C. A. 2021. Influence of the COVID-19 p和emic on amphibian road mortality. Conservation 科学 和 Practice, e535. http://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.535

贝茨,. E., R. B. Primack... J. Parmelee... 2021. 全球 COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats 和 custodians of the environment, Biological Conservation, 体积263:109175. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109175

Frese P.W., J.L. 克里斯琴森, J.R. Parmelee. 第十四章-爱荷华州. 在一个.R. Breisch W.H. 马丁J.B. 希利,C.E. 彼得森和E. Possardt (eds.). 2021. The Timber Rattlesnake: Life 历史, Distribution, Status, 和Conservation Action Plan. Partners 在一个mphibian 和 Reptile Conservation Technical Publication CAP-1. Published by Amphibian 和 Reptile Conservancy, Inc. 美国田纳西州纳什维尔.

王,y m, J. Parmelee, Y-W Guo, 和 I-H Tsai. 2010. Absence of phospholipase A2 in most Crotalus澳洲 毒液 due to translation blockage: comparison with Crotalus澳洲 atricaudatus 毒液. Toxicon  56(1):93-100.

C. R. Bursey,年代. R. 戈德堡, J. R. Parmelee. 2005. Helminth parasites of lizards from Reserva Cuzco Amazónico, Peru. Comparative Parisitology 72(1):50-68.

克努森,M. G., W. B. 理查森,D. M. Reineke B. R. 灰色, J. R. Parmelee, S. E. 韦克就. 2004. Agricultural ponds support amphibian populations. Ecological Applications. 14(3):669-684.

克里斯琴森J. L. 和 J. R. Parmelee. 2003. A Key to the Eggs 和 Nests of 爱荷华州 Turtles.  Journal of the 爱荷华州 Academy of 科学. 110(3-4):44-50.

Parmelee J. R., M. G. 克努森和J. E. 里昂. 2002. A field guide to amphibian larvae 和 eggs of Minnesota, Wisconsin, 和 爱荷华州 . U.S. 地质调查所, Biological Resources Division, 信息rmation 和 Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR-2002-004, 华盛顿, D. C. Iv + 38pp

Parmelee J. R. 1999. Trophic ecology of a tropical anuran assemblage. Scientific Papers of the Natural 历史 Museum, University of Kansas 11:1–59.

莱恩,D. J. 和 J. R. Parmelee. 1996. 一种新的 Colostethus (Anura: Dendrobatidae) from Venezuela. Herpetologica 52(1):70–77.

巴斯比W. 和 J. R. Parmelee. 1996. Historical changes in a herpetofaunal assemblage in the Flint Hills of Kansas. American Midl和 Naturalist 135:81–91.

巴斯比W., J. T. 柯林斯, J. R. Parmelee. 1996. The Reptiles 和 Amphibians of Fort Riley 和 Vicinity. Kansas Biological Survey. 72 pp., 64 color photographs.

Parmelee J. R. 和C. 盖伊. 1995. Sexual differences in foraging behavior of an anoline lizard, Norops云淡的. J. Herpetol. 29(4):619–621.

Other scholarly activity

Associate Editor, Herpetological Conservation 和 生物学 (2014-2018)

Editor, Journal of the 爱荷华州 Academy of 科学 2004-2008; Associate Editor for Zoology 2002-3

爬虫学 Subcommittee of the 爱荷华州 DNR 2008-10

Herpetological Consultant, EPA/IDOT study, Ecological assessment of compensatory wetl和 mitigation. 2005-2006

共同, Amphibian 和 reptile surveys of Wapsipinicon river public l和s in Clinton 和 Scott counties, 爱荷华州. 2002

Herpetological Consultant, USGS project: Farm ponds as critical habitats for native amphibians. 2000-2