Eric Zuelow

Eric G. E. Zuelow, Ph.D.




Eric G.E. Zuelow (he, him, his) is a professor of European and world history. 他专门研究现代英国和爱尔兰, with a particular emphasis on the histories of tourism and national identity. He recently added a teaching area in environmental history and is adding more classes in this field each year. Recent offerings include: Environmental History of the Ocean, 新英格兰环境史, and Environmental History of the World Parts I & II.

Zuelow is author of 现代旅游史 (Palgrave, 2015) and of the award-winning Making Ireland Irish: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War (Syracuse, 2009), editor of Touring Beyond the Nation: A Transnational Approach to European Tourism History (Ashgate, 2011), and co-editor of Tourism Histories in Ulster and Scotland: Connections and Comparisons, 1800-1939(阿尔斯特历史基金会, 2013), and Nationalism in a Global Era: The Persistence of Nations(Routledge, 2007). He is editor-in-chief of 旅游历史杂志 which is published three times per year by Taylor and Francis (Routledge). Zuelow is editor of the Histories and Cultures of Tourism book series, published by Cornell University Press and he is a member of the editorial board for the Britain and the World book series which is published by Palgrave; he deals with titles covering the period after 1688. In addition, he is currently co-editing the Oxford Handbook to the History of Tourism and Travel.






I am currently working on a history of empire tourism during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 此外,我还在做一项 project about the changing nature of sociability and nostalgia in England since World War II through the lens of the public house. 




联合编辑(与Kevin J. James), Oxford Handbook to of the History of Tourism and Travel牛津大学出版社,2024年出版)

现代旅游史 (Houndmills,英国:Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) 

(与凯文. James) 阿尔斯特和苏格兰的旅游历史: Contexts and Perspectives (Belfast, UK: Ulster Historical Foundation, 2013)

(Editor) Touring Beyond the Nation: A Transnational Approach to European Tourism History (奥尔德肖特,英国:阿什盖特,2011)

Making Ireland Irish: Tourism and National Identity since the Irish Civil War (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2009)

(Co-editor with Mitchell Young and Andreas Sturm) Nationalism in a Global Era: The Persistence of Nations(伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,2007)


后记:帝国与旅游 Itinerario Special Issue: Colonial Baggage (forthcoming 2024).

(与帕特里齐亚·巴蒂拉尼,伯特伦·M. Gordon, Jan Hein furnje, Kevin J. James, and Richard White), “Discussion: Teaching Tourism History,” 旅游历史杂志, 8:1(2016年4月):57-84

(与Shelley Baranowski合作, 克里斯托弗·恩迪, 瓦利德Hazbun, 斯蒂芬妮·玛利亚·洪, 戈登Pirie, 和特雷弗·西蒙斯), “讨论:旅游与帝国,” 旅游历史杂志, 7:1-2(2015年4月- 8月):100-130

“ ‘Kilts versus Breeches’: The Royal Visit, Tourism, and Scottish National Memory,” Journeys: The International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 7:2 (2006): 33-53

“ ‘Ingredients for Cooperation’: The Role of Irish Tourism in North-South Relations, 1924-1998,” 新Hibernia评论 10:1(2006春季):17-39

“Enshrining Ireland’s Nationalist History Inside Prison Walls: The Restoration of Kilmainham Jail,” Eire-Ireland 39(2004秋冬):180-201


“旅游、民族和民族主义”,摘自埃里克·G.E. Zuelow和Kevin J. 詹姆斯(eds), 牛津旅游手册 (牛津:牛津大学出版社,2024).

“假日,假日和旅游”,布雷特M. Bebber (ed.), A Cultural History of Leisure in the Modern Age(伦敦:布鲁姆斯伯里出版社,2024),119-137

“Negotiating National Identity Through Tourism in Colonial South Asia and Beyond” in Matthew D’Auria, 凯西·卡迈克尔, 和阿维尔·罗什瓦尔德(编), Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism, Vol. 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), 640-660

James和Zuelow的《正规澳门赌场网站》 阿尔斯特和苏格兰的旅游历史 (见上文),1-14

“The Necessity of Crossing Borders: 介绍,” in Zuelow (ed.), Touring Beyond the Nation: A Transnational Approach to European Tourism History (见上文),1-16

爱尔兰制造? Irish Tourism in an International Context,” in Zuelow (ed.), Touring Beyond the Nation: A Transnational Approach to European Tourism History (见上文),151-170

“National Identity and Tourism in Twentieth Century Ireland: The Role of Collective Re-Imagining,在《正规澳门赌场网络》中, Zuelow, 和风暴(编), Nationalism in a Global Era: The Persistence of Nations (见上文),156-175

(With Mitchell Young and Andreas Sturm) “The Owl’s Early Flight: Globalization and Nationalism, 介绍,在《正规澳门赌场网络》中, Zuelow, 和风暴(编), Nationalism in a Global Era: The Persistence of Nations (见上文),1-13

“The Tourism Nexus: The Meanings of Tourism and Identity since the Irish Civil War,马克·麦卡锡(Mark McCarthy)编.), Ireland’s Heritages: Critical Perspectives on Memory and Identity (Aldershot,英国:Ashgate出版社,2005),189-213


托德•克利夫兰 Alluring Opportunities: Tourism, Empire, and African Labor in Colonial Mozambique (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2023), Foreword, ix-xiv

Blake C. Scott, 揭秘:加勒比旅游历史, (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022), ix-xiv 

Stephen L. Harp, The Riviera: An Ecohistory of Postwar Tourism and North African Labor (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2022), Foreword, ix-xiv

Yajun Mo, Touring China: A History of Travel Culture, 1912-1949 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2021), Foreword, ix-xiv






Editor, 旅游历史文化丛书 (康奈尔大学出版社)

For more information about the series, visit:

编辑,1688年至今, 英国与世界图书系列 (Palgrave)

For more information about the series, visit:

通用编辑器, 旅游历史杂志

For more information about the journal, visit:显示= aimsScope&journalCode = rjth20 #.VFo14WRdWTw 

Co-Editor, Oxford Handbook on the History of Travel and Tourism (牛津大学出版社,出版中)





Tourism, National identity, Nostalgia, Sociability, English Public Houses

