CAS Core Curriculum

CAS Core Curriculum uneadmin

文理学院核心课程(Core)为学院所有本科生提供创新的共同学习体验. 核心课程邀请学生从多个学科的角度探索四个全校范围的主题,并培养重要的智力技能. Students focus on a theme each year: Environmental Awareness (first year), Social and Global Awareness (second year), Critical Thinking (third year), and Citizenship (fourth year). Skills of communication, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking are taught throughout the Core. Designed to provide a foundation in the liberal arts, 核心反映了学院的价值观,并为学生的生活做好准备, thoughtful, and active lives in a complex and changing society.

First Year Theme

Environmental Awareness

All entering students enroll in Introduction to Environmental Issues and a four (4)-credit Laboratory Science course. 学生发现科学是一个过程,并讨论科学和技术在社会中的作用. 实验科学课程也用来介绍科学方法作为获取知识的途径, while infusing consideration of issues about environmental awareness.

As part of the first-year experience, students enroll in one Humanities Exploration course and a subsequent Humanities or Social/Behavioral Sciences Exploration course. 这些课程旨在培养学生对引人入胜的学术话题的探究. Each Exploration course introduces the intellectual tools of the discipline in which it is offered, 鼓励学生理解文科,包括独特的理解方式. All Exploration 课程提倡将写作作为一种表达工具,并明确教授批判性思维技能.

Second Year Theme

Social and Global Awareness

学生通过两种特定类型的课程来理解人类经验: Social and Global Awareness (SGA) and Human Traditions (HT).

In the SGA courses, human experience is explored in cultural, societal, national, and global contexts. 学生使用社会和行为科学的观点和方法来研究人类的互动和成长. Students complete two (2) SGA courses in the second year.

在HT课程中,人类的经验是在人文学科的传统中进行研究的. Students inquire into the rise and fall of civilizations; study works of art and literature; and, examine the philosophical, religious, and economic ideas that shaped ancient cultures and the modern world. Students complete two (2) HT courses in the second year, 其中一(1)专注于大约1500年的人类史前史,另一(1)专注于1500年至今的人类文化.

Third Year Theme

Critical Thinking: Human Responses to Problems and Challenges

这个主题是通过学生的主要学习项目提供的,并建立在学生在前两(2)年发展的知识和技能的基础上. 这个主题和方法提高学生处理复杂问题和问题的能力,他们在他们的高级专业课程中遇到. 每个学术项目都要求其专业的学生参加一门课程,在这门课程中,学生和教师对本学科面临的问题进行知情的批判性和创造性思考. Grounded in the thinking process as well as on the issues, students research and identify causes of problems, generate and evaluate possible solutions, and decide upon a plan of action.

Fourth Year Theme


This theme focuses on preparing students to make a difference in the world, their communities, and their professions. 学生参加跨学科的研讨会,并参与社区服务和公民活动. During this seminar, students discuss personal, professional, 以及公共责任,因为他们对即将进入的世界的预测和分享他们的担忧. 该研讨会要求学生理解谋生和创造生活之间的平衡. 活动提供了将核心和专业的各种线索编织在一起的机会.

Additional Core Requirements

In the third and fourth years of study, students select two (2) Advanced Studies courses outside of their major area of study and based on their interests. Major areas are broadly defined as the natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, professional programs, and interdisciplinary programs. Advanced Studies courses explore methodologies, theories, 和/或文理学院学科内重要的概念.

At some time in their academic career, all students participate in a Creative Arts Experience (CAE)通过参加特别指定的CAE课程或完成一个独立的项目. 这一要求强调了学生创造精神的价值,并揭示了将维持学生一生的礼物.

College of Arts and Sciences Core Curriculum Goals and Learning Outcomes


Acquire Knowledge

学生将在以下所有领域获得并展示学科和跨学科观点和方法的知识和技能:人文学科, social sciences, natural sciences, and mathematics.

Develop Skillful Thinking

学生将展示他们参与包括批判性思维在内的多种学术探究模式的能力, creative thinking, decision making and problem solving, and quantitative reasoning.

Expand Expressive Capabilities

学生将能够熟练地通过不同的途径表达自己的想法,包括口头表达, written, graphic, and symbolic communication, and artistic expression.

Demonstrate an Understanding of What It Means to Act Responsibly and Ethically

通过在多个层面上展示这些熟练程度,学生将对自己在世界上的位置和责任有更深入的了解, including personal and interpersonal, academic, civic, and environmental.

Subject Area Details

First Year Theme: Environmental AwarenessCredits
ENV 100/101 or ENV 104 – Intro to Environmental Issues or ENV 105 – GLC: Intro to ENV Issues3
One four-credit Laboratory Science course4
One Humanities Exploration course3
One Humanities or Social/Behavioral Science Exploration course3
ENG 110 – English Composition or equivalent or ENG 122 and SAS 011 and ENG 123 (7 cr.)4
One Mathematics course3–4
Second Year Theme: Social and Global AwarenessCredits
Two Social and Global Awareness courses6
Human Traditions I*: Prehistory to 1500 (3 cr.) and ARH 276, ENG 276, HIS 276, PHI 276, PSC 276 or REL 2763
Human Traditions II*: 1500 to Present (3 cr.) and ARH 278, ENG 278, HIS 278, PHI 278, PSC 278 or REL 2783
Third Year Theme: Critical ThinkingCredits
Critical Thinking: Offered as part of major courseworkVariable
Advanced Studies**: Two (2) in total, completed in third and/or fourth year6
Fourth Year Theme: CitizenshipCredits
CIT 400 – Citizenship Seminar (1 cr.) or CIT 420 – Global Citizenship (1 cr.)1
Once Across the Four (4) YearsTotal of 3 Credits
One Creative Arts Experience course3
Total CAS Core Curriculum Credits42–43

**为了满足高级学习要求,ADV课程的前缀必须与学生使用的课程前缀不同,以满足两个或两个以上的200-, 300- or 400-level program requirements. 主修双学位或攻读双学位的学生可以选修任何辅修课程,以满足其核心课程要求. 主修和辅修的学生可以选择与辅修课程要求重叠的ADV课程,如果他们这样选择的话.

University Core Curriculum Summary and Objectives

The Core Curriculum emphasizes active, collaborative, and experiential learning. It challenges students to transfer knowledge from one academic area to another, appreciate different disciplinary perspectives on the same topic, and integrate what they have learned to construct their own knowledge. Courses in the Core cultivate effective oral and written communication, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills, and issues of diversity. 课程在核心课程中提供了一套相互交织和强化的经验, in major or professional requirements, in special all-campus events, and in general college life. 正规澳门赌场网络的教职员工相信,我们的核心课程具有内在价值,它有助于我们影响我们的毕业生成为更好的公民,并为社会做出贡献.


Core Counting Rules for Double Majors and Minors

主修双学位或攻读双学位的学生可以将任何相关的核心属性计入核心和主修/副修. If a student has completed the core requirements in their primary degree or completed the core requirements in their second degree, then the student has met the core requirements.

The Core attributes are Environmental Studies, Math, English Composition, Laboratory Science, Creative Arts Experience, Exploration, Social and Global Awareness, Human Traditions, Citizenship, and Advanced Study. 所有的学习项目(主修/副修)都属于以下一个领域:人文学科, natural sciences, professional programs, social sciences, interdisciplinary programs, or math.

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